Greeble Value Percentage- This percentage counts down from 100% to 0%. When a Greeble is killed it is worth only the current percentage of its initial value.
Squish!- The purple player just squished two Greebles gaining 360 points for the first and two times 360 points for the second. (A third would be worth 1440 points!)
Push a block- The blue player has just pushed on a block. This time he is squishing a Greeble. Next time it could be a player. The game doesn't mind so its up to you!
Crush a block- The purple player has just gained a special by crushing a block. The player pushed on the block which can’t move, so the block is crushed, releasing the special.
Player Information- The player's name, current score, the number of lives remaining and what specials they have. Xes indicate the player is dead.
Level Title- This gives the absolute level number and the name of the level. The name is often a hint about the level!
Special Name- Shows the last special a player crushed - if you can’t remember what a special icon means, this will tell you.
Done- Takes you back to the first instructions page.